Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Wednesday, September 14

Good morning, Capstone students!

First things first, click here for your Do Now.

Today we will be spending a bit more time understanding the hero journey. As a group, we will pick out the journey stages for Disney's The Lion King to help us better understand it.

Additionally we will create a poster as a class depicting the stages of the hero journey. This will help each of you prepare for creating your own poster of the hero journey you choose!

Look at this groovy poster! Keep in mind this is a very elaborate example and not what I expect!

I will provide you with paper and you can depict a hero's journey however you would like.

Keep in mind:
1) These posters WILL be going in the hallway.
2) Make them lovely and colorful.
3) Your poster needs to be originally created, though it can use images from the internet or your hero story.
4) This poster is worth 30 points!

At the end of class, when I ask you, please click here and complete the form.

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