Monday, September 19, 2011

Tuesday, September 20

Good morning, Capstone students!

On Friday we had a lively discussion about our school and what its mission is as a college preparatory academy. Today we will be continuing our discussion, focusing on the three other pillars shaping our curriculum and activities: Leadership, Partnership, and Innovation.

Through our discussion, we will connect the characteristics of heroes we have talked about over the last seven weeks and apply them to heroes we think best represent ASU Preparatory Academy.

Questions Guiding our Discussion

What sort of heroes best represent ASU Preparatory Academy?

How do these characteristics match with the heroes our fellow students and staff members look up to currently?

What can we do to promote the kind of heroes we believe best embody ASU Preparatory Academy?


What is a survey?

Over the next two classes, we will be developing surveys to answer a few questions. The big questions we wants answered are

Do our heroes change as we get older?

Do different groups of students have different types of heroes?

We will spend time discussing practices that help make strong surveys, including understanding the purpose and questions we want answered, framing questions for specific answers, asking only one question at a time, and considering our audience and their specific needs.

We will be creating and administering these surveys to all the different grade levels in the school, from Pre-Kindergarten to 8th grade. You will be working in pairs (as assigned by me!).

After the surveys have been administered, you will analyze your data and present it to the class. This will allow us to compare the results across the grade levels and answer our big questions.


Your homework: Tell me which grade level you would prefer to survey by the end of class.

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