Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Thursday, September 22

Good morning, delightful Capstone students!

For our Do Now, you need to survey three (3) other students in the class about their favorite movies. Write down their responses to share with the class.

Discussion Questions

  • What kind of question did you ask? What kind of answer did you get?

  • How could we change the question to get a different answer?

  • What did we find out about people in our class with this information?

  • How could we find out something more specific about people in our class?

  • What would be the purpose of this survey?

  • What if you asked, "Do scary movies frighten you?" What kind of answers would you get?

  • What would be the purpose of a survey that asked questions like that?

  • What is the purpose of our survey?

  • What kinds of questions should we ask?

  • What if I ask too many questions?

  • What if I'm talking to someone my age? What if I'm talking to someone in 3rd grade? Someone who is 78 years old? How will my questions be different?

Now that we've discussed surveys and questions on surveys, work with your partner to start developing questions for your survey.

Remember our guiding questions (the questions we ultimately want answered): 

Do our heroes change as we get older?

Do different groups of students have different types of heroes?

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