Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Thursday, September 29

Good morning, delightful 9E students!

Today we'll be continuing our practice with surveys.

Do Now: Survey at least three classmates about what their favorite subjects are. Record your answers as well as the student's name, their age, and where they were born.

We will compile the data as a class and come to conclusions together.

Favorite Subject

The table above is a way we can collect our data to help us analyze it in order to make conclusions about it.

Now that we've looked at our data, what conclusions can we make?

What do we see most? 

Do we see any patterns?

Can we come to any definitive conclusion?

How can we make our conclusions better? How can we get more information?

Let's come up with different questions to learn more about our classmates.

Before you leave class today, you and your partner need to decide how you will collect your data and what you will need in order to analyze it and make conclusions about it.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Tuesday, September 27

Good morning, Capstone students!

Your Do Now: Please survey at least three classmates about how their day went yesterday. Record your answers.

We will work a bit more on our surveys today. Remember that you need to have your surveys completed (meaning all 15 students from your grade level need to be interviewed) by Friday!

Complete your surveys on your iPads and email them to me. I will print them for you so you can either distribute them or use the to collect your data.

Bullying Weekly Meeting

We will also be covering information about bullying again, including rules #2 and #3: we will try to help students being bullied, and we will try to include students who are left out.

What does this mean?

What does this look like?

What does this require of us?

How can we do this?

Why are some students left out?

Why don't some students include those who are left out?

Some students may have a hard time making friends. Why?

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Thursday, September 22

Good morning, delightful Capstone students!

For our Do Now, you need to survey three (3) other students in the class about their favorite movies. Write down their responses to share with the class.

Discussion Questions

  • What kind of question did you ask? What kind of answer did you get?

  • How could we change the question to get a different answer?

  • What did we find out about people in our class with this information?

  • How could we find out something more specific about people in our class?

  • What would be the purpose of this survey?

  • What if you asked, "Do scary movies frighten you?" What kind of answers would you get?

  • What would be the purpose of a survey that asked questions like that?

  • What is the purpose of our survey?

  • What kinds of questions should we ask?

  • What if I ask too many questions?

  • What if I'm talking to someone my age? What if I'm talking to someone in 3rd grade? Someone who is 78 years old? How will my questions be different?

Now that we've discussed surveys and questions on surveys, work with your partner to start developing questions for your survey.

Remember our guiding questions (the questions we ultimately want answered): 

Do our heroes change as we get older?

Do different groups of students have different types of heroes?

Monday, September 19, 2011

Tuesday, September 20

Good morning, Capstone students!

On Friday we had a lively discussion about our school and what its mission is as a college preparatory academy. Today we will be continuing our discussion, focusing on the three other pillars shaping our curriculum and activities: Leadership, Partnership, and Innovation.

Through our discussion, we will connect the characteristics of heroes we have talked about over the last seven weeks and apply them to heroes we think best represent ASU Preparatory Academy.

Questions Guiding our Discussion

What sort of heroes best represent ASU Preparatory Academy?

How do these characteristics match with the heroes our fellow students and staff members look up to currently?

What can we do to promote the kind of heroes we believe best embody ASU Preparatory Academy?


What is a survey?

Over the next two classes, we will be developing surveys to answer a few questions. The big questions we wants answered are

Do our heroes change as we get older?

Do different groups of students have different types of heroes?

We will spend time discussing practices that help make strong surveys, including understanding the purpose and questions we want answered, framing questions for specific answers, asking only one question at a time, and considering our audience and their specific needs.

We will be creating and administering these surveys to all the different grade levels in the school, from Pre-Kindergarten to 8th grade. You will be working in pairs (as assigned by me!).

After the surveys have been administered, you will analyze your data and present it to the class. This will allow us to compare the results across the grade levels and answer our big questions.


Your homework: Tell me which grade level you would prefer to survey by the end of class.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Friday, September 16

Happy Friday, Capstone students!

Unfortunately internet was down all day so we weren't able to use today's post. Luckily we had a lively discussion about anti-bullying and expectations at our school.


Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Wednesday, September 14

Good morning, Capstone students!

First things first, click here for your Do Now.

Today we will be spending a bit more time understanding the hero journey. As a group, we will pick out the journey stages for Disney's The Lion King to help us better understand it.

Additionally we will create a poster as a class depicting the stages of the hero journey. This will help each of you prepare for creating your own poster of the hero journey you choose!

Look at this groovy poster! Keep in mind this is a very elaborate example and not what I expect!

I will provide you with paper and you can depict a hero's journey however you would like.

Keep in mind:
1) These posters WILL be going in the hallway.
2) Make them lovely and colorful.
3) Your poster needs to be originally created, though it can use images from the internet or your hero story.
4) This poster is worth 30 points!

At the end of class, when I ask you, please click here and complete the form.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Homework Reminder!

Hello, wonderful Capstone students!

This is a reminder and clarification on your homework.

Your homework due Wednesday, September 14, is to complete the Hero's Journey Questions for your hero story. The link is in the post below. The text reads, "Hero's Journey Questions."

Be sure to hit submit on the form when you are done.

Thank you for a great class today and I look forward to seeing you in Learning Lab!

Mrs. A.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Monday, September 12

Good morning!

Today we'll be discovering connections between Socrates, the hero's journey, and hero tales of today.

After we have discussed the hero's journey and walked through applying aspects of a story to the hero, you will use a form to fill out the hero's journey stages on your own, with a story of your own choice.

Use the link below when you are ready to complete the form:
Hero's Journey Questions

The information you use to complete the questions will help you to create a poster about your hero's journey.

When you have finished answering the questions, being brainstorming ideas for a poster of your hero's journey. These posters will grace the walls of our hallway, so put in the effort to make a great poster!