Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Tuesday, November 8

Good morning, Capstone beauties!

For your Do Now, in your journal, please write down 5 things you do really well.

Describe these 5 skills or things you do well to a person sitting next to you.

Today we will be discussing those things that make us unique. We have moved into Part 2 of our Ashoka Youth Venture Journey. We will be investigating who we are and what our unique abilities are. Later on, we will see what abilities we have as a group and what makes our cohort unique!

We need to define the words attribute, characteristic, and skill. These are the words that we often hear when asked to describe ourselves. In order to describe ourselves accurately, we need to know what these words mean!

Working with a partner, please find a definition for each of these words. We will share out as a class.

What is a logo? What is a personal tag?

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