Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Tuesday, October 25

Good morning, Capstone students! Happy Tuesday and happy Galileo Testing!

This morning we are going to reflect on our goals we set last week. To reflect on your goals, please click here. If you do not have an iPad, please use a piece of paper to answer the following questions:

1. What was your goal?
2. How did you do?
3. Did you accomplish your goal?
4. Why or why not?
5. What do you wish you had done differently?
6. What did you learn about goal setting?
7. What did you learn about yourself?

We will talk about the path we'll be taking through the Ashoka Youth Venture Journey. This will help us know where we are starting and where we will end up. We can also see how quickly the end of the year will come upon us! Yikes!

Next we will develop community agreements. These agreements will keep our classroom a safe environment for our journey. We have already discussed what respect looks likes and what a respectful conversation looks like. But today we need to develop actions that we can all agree to take in order to keep our classroom community safe and.....AWESOME!

Finally, we will round out our time looking more into Ashoka Youth Venture and have a class meeting.

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