This week we are transitioning into the Storytelling part of the Ashoka Youth Venture program. Through our Storytelling unit we will be thinking about and understanding ourselves by asking:
- Why me? why now? What is my narrative?
- What do I care about? Why?
- What can I do to make a difference?
For your Do Now, please click here. If you do not have an iPad, please describe how you use storytelling in your everyday life. Also write down two specific examples of how you used storytelling in the last day. We will be sharing these examples with the class.
We will do a quick vocabulary lesson with the words STORYTELLING, COMPELLING, and NARRATIVE.
Next I will read a spooky story to get us in the mood for Halloween and start to identify key elements of effective storytelling. We will discuss the story, including what it was about, how it made you feel, what made the story compelling or not, and what specifically did you like or not like.
We will then listen to a story from the storytelling repository called The Moth. As you listen, think about how it makes you feel, what is compelling about it, etc.
Story from The Moth:
We will discuss a basic story graph, or plot diagram. This may be something similar to what you have seen in Language Arts classes in the past. As a class we will draw the story graph for The Raven. In your groups, you will draw one for the story we listened to from The Moth.
Next we will develop and compile a list of key elements of a good story. These will help guide us as we listen to more stories, create our own, and help each other develop the best story they can.
For your homework, you will write a story, only one sentence for each stage of the story graph, that includes all the key elements of a compelling story. Read it to a classmate/friend and have them tell you whether or not it was compelling.