Tuesday, December 11, 2012

College Admissions Research

This assignment is due by the end of class on Thursday, December 13.

1. Choose a major/area of interest to study in college. This can be dance, history, pre-med, business, Spanish, military science, etc. You won't be committed to it for the rest of your life, so don't stress about picking one.

2. Choose a four-year college or university in the United States that has your major/area of interest.

3. Research the admission requirements to get into the school and the program.

  • GPA
  • SAT/ACT scores
  • Deadlines
  • Letters of recommendation
  • Personal statement/essay
  • Special courses required
  • Other information
4. Look up scholarship and financial aid opportunities at the college/university.

5. Create a presentation with those requirements to share with the class on Thursday.

Monday, December 3, 2012

Guide to Life After High School

What makes the ASU Prep high school experience worth having??


NEXT activity.

Please click the link below for the reading.


Read the section Think about your future (first 2 pages). Answer the following questions in your journal or on a piece of paper:

What is my favorite subject and why?
What is my least favorite subject and why?
What kind of assignments do I enjoy?
What are my hobbies, and what is my favorite part about those hobbies?
What activities am I involved in and why?
How will college better prepare me for a career than high school alone will?

Read the section Prepare Academically (page 3).
As a group, discuss the following questions. Each group member must share an answer for each question.
After group discussion, write your answers in your journal.

What good study habits do you currently have?
What study habits do you need to improve?
How has your writing improved since beginning high school?
What are some areas of writing that you are currently trying to improve?
Describe one way you currently challenge yourself academically.

Read the section Attend a College Fair (page 4).
As a group, discuss the following questions. Each group member must share an answer for each question.
After group discussion, write your answers in your journal.

Have you been to a college fair? If so, describe your experience.
What does the NACAC host a college fair in Arizona? If you're not sure, check the website: www.nacacnet.org
What should a student expect and do at a college fair?

Read the section Research Standardized Tests (page 4-5).
As a group, discuss the following questions. Each group member must share an answer for each question.
After group discussion, write your answers in your Capstone journal.

What do you already know about standardized tests and college entrance exams?
What questions do you have?
What resources are available to you for answering your questions?
What are you doing or have you done to take or be prepared for college entrance exams?

Read the section Learn about Paying for College (page 5-6). 
As a group, discuss the following questions. Each group member must share an answer for each question.
After group discussion, write your answers in your Capstone journal.

What are the similarities and differences between scholarships and grants?
What are the similarities and differences between scholarships and loans?
Besides scholarships, grants, and loans, how do you students pay for college?
How can you estimate the amount of financial aid you will receive?
Why is it important for you to begin thinking about financial aid now?

Read the section Consider your financial life after college (page 7).
As a group, discuss the following questions. Each group member must share an answer for each question. 
After group discussion, write your answers in your journal.

Why is it important to consider a budget when you have a regular income?
Plan a budget for your current situation. Consider allowance, money from part-time jobs, or other sources of income.
Consider the expenses you regularly have as well as upcoming expenses you expect.